4 Guidelines To Know if You are a Candidate for Dental Veneers

Posted on: May 1, 2024

Dental Veneer New York, NY

If you have some imperfections on your teeth, and you want to improve your smile, dental veneers may be an option. This procedure can help cover up certain dental issues that may reduce your confidence. Although veneers can make aesthetic changes, they are not the right option for everyone. Before considering this as a possibility, you should understand some of the factors that make someone a good candidate.

Qualities of a good candidate

Dental veneers consist of thin shells of porcelain that match the color of your natural teeth. Their thickness and overall shape are customized before being attached to the front of your teeth. The result is straight, bright, and healthy-looking teeth. To qualify for this procedure, you must have a particular imperfection and a lifestyle that helps maintain its appearance and function.

1. Good oral health and habits

Veneers cannot be placed if you do not have healthy gums and teeth. If you have cavities, gum disease, or another issue, the dentist needs to treat that problem first. A potential candidate should also have good habits for oral hygiene, such as flossing, brushing at least twice a day, and visiting the dentist for regular cleanings and exams.

2. Cosmetic imperfections

Dental veneers are a viable option for minor imperfections but not for major issues. Some of the imperfections that make someone a good candidate include:

  • Chipped teeth
  • Small gaps in between teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Stains or discolorations

Although veneers can improve the look of misshapen teeth, the teeth must be straight in order to properly attach the porcelain. If a patient has crooked teeth, this issue will need to be addressed before veneers can be placed.

3. Ability to avoid bad habits

Although veneers look good, they are fragile and can break or damage easily. A person who chooses to get this procedure must be able to avoid certain habits such as crunching ice or hard candy, chewing nails, gnawing on pens, and grinding the teeth. Although veneers can last for 10 to 20 years, they will need to be replaced if damaged.

4. Sufficient enamel

In order to attach the veneer to the front of the tooth, the dentist first removes some of the enamel so the veneer can fit properly. A good candidate must have enough enamel on each tooth, so it is able to form a strong bond with the veneer, even after some of the enamel is taken off.

A good candidate also must understand that having veneers placed is an irreversible method. Once the enamel is removed for veneer attachment, this enamel does not come back, so the patient will always need to have veneers to cover it up.


There are various procedures that help improve one's smile. Dental veneers are one option that can help cover up a number of different imperfections. It is relatively non-invasive, and it only takes two visits for completion.

Request an appointment here: https://uptownnycdental.com or call Uptown Dental Group at (646) 693-0625 for an appointment in our New York office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Dental Veneers in New York, NY.

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