Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures for Discolored Teeth
If you are thinking about getting a cosmetic dentistry treatment to treat your stained teeth, here are your choices.
What to Ask at Your Cosmetic Dentistry Consultation
A cosmetic dentistry consultation is the first step to getting the stunning smile you deserve.
Ask a Dentist: What Are Some Cosmetic Dentistry Options?
Dental bonding, also called composite resin bonding, is used to fix minor imperfections with the visible surface of front teeth, such as teeth chips, cracks, stains, and gaps.
How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Address Stained Teeth
Outlined below are a few cosmetic dentistry options that general dentists recommend for patients who have stained teeth.
What Is Composite Bonding in Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the form and function of teeth, despite the misconception that cosmetic procedures only address aesthetics. Cosmetic dentists are dental professionals who undergo general dentistry training and then further their education and training by learning more about … Continued
Get the Smile You Want from a Cosmetic Dentist
Cosmetic dentistry includes procedures that aim to improve the appearance of your teeth. Most of these procedures are simple, but there are some that are a bit complex. A cosmetic dentist is someone who has the training and experience of … Continued